Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dr. McCool Takes out Josh's Tonsils

Paging Dr. McDreamy: My 2-year-old son, Joshua, snores like a chainsaw and needs his tonsils out. I recently took him to Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake City for a consultation with an otolaryngologist, a fancy word for a doctor who has to look at ears, noses and throats all day long.
Josh, my husband and I waited in the hospital for almost two hours before being taken to a small room to see the specialist. Imagine my surprise, then, when The Youngest Doctor on Earth walked in to greet us. He had to have been about 20, and was totally cute in a "Doogie Howser, M.D." sort of way. I was shocked. And here is the kicker: The Youngest Doctor on Earth was really and truly named Dr. McCool. Visions of ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" flashed through my head.
When your 2-year-old is facing major surgery, you don't necessarily want the coolest guy in the room to operate. You for sure don't want the dreamiest (if you've seen "Grey's Anatomy," you'll know that there is barely any time for brain surgery with all the pouting, flirting and supply-room makeout sessions that go on at Seattle Grace). Nope, what you want for a sick toddler is Dr. McCompetent. Or McSkilled. Or McBrilliant.
Turns out, Dr. McCool was a resident, who, given his catchy name, friendly manner and gifted use of a tongue depressor likely has an illustrious career of tonsillectomies ahead of him. And the doctor we later met with was older than me and had a Mclabel-free name.
Still, come the day of the surgery, if the anesthesiologist is named Dr. McFun or McParty or McSexy, Josh and I are out of there faster than you can stick out your tongue and say "ahhh."
-- Elyssa Andrus
This story appeared in The Daily Herald on page B1 on Aug. 22, 2007.

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